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The Importance of Portable Coordinate Measurement Machines in Manufacturing Quality Control

Coordinate measuring machines have transformed quality assurance processes across manufacturing industries. However, traditional CMMs take up large footprints and require the part to be brought to the machine. Portable coordinate measurement machine solve this issue by taking measurements directly on the shop floor. Let's explore how these portable CMMs benefit manufacturing quality control.

Improved Accessibility

Portable coordinate measurement machines are easy to maneuver around the factory floor and shop. They can measure parts in situ instead of requiring that parts be transported and fixed on the CMM machine table. This greatly improves accessibility and allows measurements to be taken directly while parts are still in production flow. Parts do not need to be removed from assembly lines and moved to a CMM lab.

Faster Measurement Cycles

Not having to move parts to a separate CMM room means faster measurement cycles. There is no downtime waiting for parts to be removed and brought back to the production line. Portable CMMs can be used on-demand whenever measurements are required. Faster measurements translate to faster design iterations, product improvements, and lower production delays.

More Flexibility and Improved throughput

Since parts are measured directly where they are produced, there is more flexibility in workpiece positioning and part configurations that can be measured. Complex assemblies with multiple subcomponents can be easily checked with portable CMMs. This leads to higher overall production throughput.

Better Monitoring of Ongoing Processes

Portable coordinate measurement machines allow for on-demand spot checking of work in progress. Manufacturing and quality engineers can monitor processes in real time to identify issues early before they propagate. This helps improve processes by catching defects as soon as they occur rather than only at the end of the production line.

Safer Measurement Environment

Since measurements are done directly on the shop floor, portable CMMs reduce part movement and handling. There is less risk of damage that can occur when transporting parts between production and quality labs. Parts can remain securely fastened during measurement, eliminating safety concerns of loose parts rolling around CMM tables.

Reduced Labour and Resource Costs

Portable CMMs do not require expensive lab setups and facilities. They allow existing production space and resources to be fully utilized. There are lower requirements for CMM operators since training focuses on the portable machine instead of multiple traditional CMMs. Overall, there are reduced labour, facility, and equipment costs compared to a network of full sized CMMs.

Easier Collation of Measurement Data

Portable coordinate measurement machines wirelessly collate collected measurement data on a central network. Measurement programs can be uploaded from a main system and results can be accessed in real time. This makes it easier to analyze data across multiple measurements, locations, and production runs. Data is automatically compiled instead of requiring manual data entry from printouts.

Suitability for Wide Variety of Parts

Since portable CMMs can be used directly on the shop floor, they can measure a wider variety of part sizes and types. From small electronics to large machinery components, almost any production part that needs dimensional checks can benefit. Their flexibility makes them suitable replacements for full sized CMMs for most manufacturing applications.